Maternity Photos
As a Utah Family and Wedding photographer I get to be apart of some very special moments and milestones in my clients lives. I feel so blessed to be able to capture all of them. There is a special feeling of love and excitement in the air during a maternity session. It's not very often that a woman gets to be pregnant, soak in her pregnancy glow and enjoy the excitement that comes from welcoming a new angel into their family. Maternity photos are so special to be apart of.
The Hanks Family
Anyone who meets the Hanks family will feel like they are apart of their family. They are such a loving, kind and sweet family. During their family photos (about seven months earlier) I was able to capture Katie announcing to her family that she was pregnant. We caught her hubby's reaction on camera. It was such a sweet moment, and one that I will never forget. Fast forward a few months and here we were taking her maternity pictures. Needless to say I love my job, and continually feel so STINKIN' blessed! If you are debating on getting your maternity photos taken, just do it! I promise you won't regret it!
I would love to work with you! Please contact me to book your family session. To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

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